Secret House - Návrh a projekt rodinného domu včetně realizace a designu interiéru - Czech Prague Architects - Free Architects
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Secret House

Design and concept of an exceptional house

Secret house is not really a house. It is an instrument. It demonstrates to us the spatial relations, which we usually overlook. This concept is based on a traditional Roman villa with an atrium. Modern technology and materials make it possible to connect its principles with a contemporary lifestyle.

What resulted was a free and open layout without passages or doors. Every space in the house has its own significance and therefore we do not elevate some functions to the detriment of others. The bathroom is the same size as the living space which in turn is no bigger than for example the kitchen. The panoramic view of the landscape is for people who watch the sunrise and sunset and dream of things beyond the horizon. The pool in the atrium returns water and its ritualistic significance to the centre of modern life. The tree is a symbol reminding us that each organism needs room to grow, and care. If we apply this approach to our house, it will enrich our life with joy from the return to a place we can call home.

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Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact us on Facebook, telephone +420 733 546 097, or e-mail: office(at)architects(dot)cz.
